Below is a comparison between a standard digital photograph and an example of an HDR (high dynamic range) image. The photograph in each pair labeled "basic photo" is the base exposure used as part of the HDR generation process. The HDR image combines that photograph with an underexposed and overexposed image, and then the range is compressed and mapped to produce an image that can allow the viewer to "see into" the shadows and highlights, potentially show details in both the darkest and the lightest parts of the scene. Notice how the basic photograph includes areas that are blocked up in very dark shadow or washed out in very bright light. But this isn't how we actually see these scenes, and they can be distracting in a photograph. HDR is one way of seeking to remedy this problem, but it can also be used for stylistic purposes.
These images are from the beautiful Portland Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon.
See the photos: Portland Japanese Garden Revisited